Public and pollsters both divided on Trump visit

Yesterday we got the second poll on the Trump visit… And it shows the exact opposite of the first. YouGov/Times asked whether it should or shouldn't go ahead, and by 49-36 they said it should. I don't have the exact wording, but recall that on Monday Sky Data asked if should be cancelled, and respondents were 49-34 in favour of cancellation.

So the public and the pollsters are both split…

Otherwise it was a pretty light blogging day in the psephosphere too. I'm not quite sure if that was because everyone's still preoccupied with the US, or just doing their tax returns, but it does give me a chance to set the scene for the a couple of polls coming out over the next day or two.

Tonight on Polling Matters, Keiran Pedley has an Opinium poll asking the public their views on Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn. The questions are on strength, capability, principles, electability, likability and empathy. I'll post my thoughts on the results when the embargo ends tonight.

We're also awaiting the first of three Northern Irish polls by LucidTalk ahead of the Stormont election. Among the things we know already are that there's an unusually high level of preference switching between the Ulster Unionists and the SDLP. That might be a sign that moderate voters in both communities putting stability before tribalism.

Other things we know are that expectations for turnout are higher among supporters of nationalist parties, and voters generally are quite pessimistic about the DUP's prospects. Whether those two things feed through into voting remains to be seen.

Adding to the complications is the reduction in the number of MLAs (from six per constituency to five). If you want the fine detail on Northern Ireland, the latest LucidTalk periscope is highly recommended.

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